Sunday morning invitation
Every time I’ve hung the washing out recently, a couple of bits of “garden wreckage” have irritated me. Not only did the things themselves irritate me, but also, my apparent inability to actually do something about them and clear that little corner up. Having spent yesterday afternoon cleaning the garden furniture ready for the season, I decided that before I did anything else this morning, I’d clear away a few things.
So, with the soles firmly fixed on my Mahabis I went out into the garden before I began anything else this morning. You might have spotted the adverts for these on facebook? I did, so dropped hints around my birthday last year and sure enough, lucky girl that I am, a pair came my way. They are comfortable and the detachable sole is a great idea but the quality of the felt doesn’t match that of other felt slippers in my collection and it has bobbled and pilled already. I’d give them 8 or of ten.
Anyway, spotting this little chap on the edge of the step, I grabbed my camera and having spent all of fifteen minutes dealing with the wreckage, I took a little walk around.
The advantage of having separate clumps of the same plant is that when some are past their best, there are still some in full flower. I love the lily of the valley we have here and there.
My main reason for grabbing my camera was this iris. I’d spotted it yesterday afternoon but the light was going and I decided to wait until today to take a photo.
The deep, velvety petals were what caught my eye but a closer look reveals the details. Gorgeous. What’s more, there are at least a dozen buds there, ready to bloom, too.
The “installation” created by my clever artist friend Paulene is continuing to disintegrate.
In places, it’s almost disappeared.
Other bits of garden wreckage are allowed to remain because they look a bit better than an old growbag! This pot, made quite a few years ago cracked and broke in the frost, but the design still amuses us anyway. So, it stays, upside down near the summer house and perhaps someone – something – has made a home inside.
I don’t look too closely
On this fine, May morning, the valley is looking lush and green.
The great zoom lens on my camera means i can spy on the neighbours! One of them is doing a bit of gardening, Cotswold style. I can assure you, a garden spade is no use here and though a pickaxe will do, a little digger is even better!
Even so, the new rose planted recently is doing well and has the most glorious scent.
A well established rose isn’t doing so badly either. It’s another one with a heady perfume but on this chilly morning, you’d never guess.
The newest rose of all needs a little time to get going.
Just like my Hero and I it seems. I mentioned that it took me no more than a quarter of an hour to clear that untidy corner, even though it has been a source of irritation for several months. It seems I wasn’t the only one to find it irritating, either, since my Hero tells me he’d been meaning to do something about it as well.

We are both expert procrastinators!