An Elegant Sufficiency

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Meanwhile, Spring

The lovely thing about going on holiday at this time of the year is that we left on a cold and dreary afternoon in late March

and whilst we were gone, Spring arrived.

Yes, it’s still a bit overcast today, but at least the sun is trying to get through the clouds!

We have Spring flowers in the garden.

The ornamental pear tree is in blossom.

And there’s a bright splash of colour by the edge of the pond.

On my way to visit the Elephant, there was the most glorious scent. I think this is Daphne.

It looks like the squirrels have eaten the tulip bulbs I planted in the Elephant, however,

and the (willow?) tree by the side of it is making a real mess right now!

I am relieved however, to see new growth on our old Ash tree, because so many of them around here have suffered from Ash Dieback and losing this, one of the oldest and largest trees in our garden would be a huge loss.

However, noting the tight little buds on the oak sapling in a pot near the kitchen door, I am reminded of an old saying:

Oak before ash, in for a splash
Ash before oak, in for a soak

Are we really in for a soak then? Who knows?!

Without Regent’s excellent laundry services here at home, I know that I could use a few good drying days, that’s for sure!

Even so, it’s good to be home! 🥰