An Elegant Sufficiency

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Still here!

So many times I’ve sat down intending to update the news from here and every time something has cropped up to stop me!

There are no excuses. The cows were not in my way at all but were perfectly comfortable on the verge by m-i-l Bettine’s the other day, when we were glad that her gate was firmly closed. At this time of the year, it’s no good leaving a gate open, for sweet as they are, this little herd can wreak havoc in a pretty garden!

My old “swimming watch” gave up the ghost suddenly, requiring a quick replacement. The FitBit seemed to be the tracker of choice amongst my swimming chums and it was on my wrist the very next day, keeping count of my lengths and all the other “stuff” it sends to my phone. One major downside however: I have to wait until it’s synced with my phone to discover if I’ve swum too far or not far enough, because without my glasses, I can’t see the tiny display in the pool! (The “lapcount” is the same size as the smallest numbers in the photo above. If anyone knows how to change that, I’d be forever grateful!)

I’d collected some new glasses just a few days previously, from the optician in Cheltenham where a new Sostrene Grene has opened, much to my delight. Filled with all sorts of interesting bits and pieces, I’d been there just ten minutes when I asked myself…

What might I do with paper yarn? The answer was on George Clarke’s Old House New Home that we watched last evening, but actually, had I bothered to look on the website earlier, was here too. Now to find an old stool frame that I can work on!

The builders here are making progress and deliveries have been arriving from time to time.

Completion of their London house sale means that Amy and Edward have joined us here for a while, until they can complete on their house purchase in Devon. Our kitchen table has become the office then, with all kinds of other things going on to make life interesting!

Oliver, their French Bulldog has said goodbye to his London friends and is settling into life here in the Cotswolds.

Whereas Edward’s Special Teddy is glad to be reacquainted with all of his old chums from home for a short while, before he starts work as “Grand Bear” in January!

Somehow, in the middle of all of this, my Hero and I try to carry on as always, safe in the knowledge that when we set off on our next adventure in a few days time, we’ll leave everything in safe hands. Hopefully, when we return, things will be somewhat different!

Maybe we will have some stairs?!