An Elegant Sufficiency

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It’s quiet around here. Everyone’s gone.

Yesterday afternoon the builders focused on cleaning up and gathering their things together to load into their vans. There was the sound of a vehicle outside which turned out to be the truck removing their Portaloo, which has been there since mid-May. We said our goodbyes and thank yous, returned to the kitchen and looked at one another.

Was that really it?

Have they really finished?

Well yes. We expect the painters next Wednesday to come and finish a few tight corners and there remains the wooden handrail to be fitted to the glass balustrades. That’s still in the process of being custom made and will be fitted by the same remarkable craftsman who has completed the project so far.

But this morning, Olaf, Paddington and Aunt Lucy were a lonely bunch without the comings and goings they’ve become used to.

Now its our turn to get going and make this feel like home again.

We made a start by putting up our Christmas tree.

Right now though, we could use a Fairy Godmother to wave her magic wand and put everything back together again.

I suspect, however, she might find a duster more useful!