Normal day

Normal day

This morning, for the first time in ages, it felt as though I was enjoying a normal, everyday Thursday. It looked like being one of those mornings my Mum loved: I had a list of errands to run and I’d be going from one place to another, hoping to be home before lunchtime.


The minute I arrived in Cirencester however, it was clear that normal has a different look to it these days. Not that long ago, this car park would have been pretty full by 9am, but not today, even though it was a lovely, sparkling morning.

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Arriving at the hairdressers promptly for my appointment reinforced the different world we’re living in right now. There was the same lovely, friendly greeting of course, but I needed to stop at the threshold to find my phone and scan the barcode and put on my mask.


This has always been a spotlessly clean, very professionally operated salon, but more than ever, hygiene is paramount. That’s fine with me and I’m happy to do whatever I can to support that. It’s not easy however, and the relaxed, busy atmosphere of the salon has gone. Only when I left did I notice there wasn’t any music playing - rather unusual!


As I walked back to the car, past the cafe where an awning has been added to provide more space, a young man sitting enjoying his breakfast called “Good Morning!” to me. I replied and commented on the beautiful weather with a smile - I think that the current circumstances have created a friendlier space in the town and I noted on a couple of occasions that people stepped back to let me pass with a smile and of course, I returned the favour a few minutes later.


The same was true at my next stop - the Scope charity shop where I wanted to drop off a bag of donations from my wardrobe. Both the staff volunteer and I giggled with amazement when I not only remembered I had a card with my gift aid number on it, but I had a photo of it on my phone ready!

So far, so good. Another tick off my list.


My next stop was more mundane - the supermarket. I don’t usually shop at this particular branch and since life took on a different routine in March, the weekly shop for food has become a single, standalone task. Before then, I’d drop in and buy bits and pieces relatively frequently, but these days I usually shop just once a week with a long comprehensive list and we manage without anything that gets missed, till next week. A change in our habits! Today, however, it felt different. This was more like the old days, stopping off on the way home from the hairdresser, just to pick up a few bits.


I still managed a trolley full however. Yes, those are indeed some things related to the event in twelve week’s time (!) - the first such purchase of the year and something that prompted me to think that perhaps I ought to begin thinking about cakes and puddings. And if only friends would stop sharing their love of Biscoff products with me, I might be able to resist giving them a try as well. You all kept this little indulgence to yourselves up until now, didn’t you?!

Home again then, all boxes ticked except I forgot to get petrol on the way home. It was as close to an ordinary morning as I’ve had in ages and I was reminded of this:


Another new bear in the house

Another new bear in the house

Out for the day

Out for the day