An Elegant Sufficiency

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A quiet ta-dah

The Indian Ocean socks are complete and ready to be placed into the hands of their recipients!  Those who cruised with us will know the story - I gave our sweet friends a ball of yarn each for their Christmas present, promising to transform them into a couple of pairs of socks in the coming weeks.  They are now done and are looking nice - my Hero eyed them enviously this morning, so I can see another order for Pairfect sock yarn being placed before too long.

It's been a funny old week so far.  We had a lovely Sunday in the company of sweet Canadian friends in Marylebone, necessitating an hour or so in Daunts (of course).  Edward and Amy were able to join us too, so lunch was a jolly affair in great company.

On Monday, I had a meeting in Stroud, which was gridlocked following a road accident earlier in the day.  I took a different route from normal...possibly not the best idea.

Whilst there, we had a load of wood delivered, ready for the winter (!)   But later that day, our anxiety levels rose when we couldn't reach my 93 year old m-I-l Bettine by phone, especially when it got to 6.30pm.  Where was she?    My Hero and her neighbour investigated and drew a blank, eventually discovering that she had fallen getting off the bus in Stroud, broken her hip and was now in Gloucester Royal Hospital.  

So we've been hanging around, waiting for news (and making a couple of felted sheep for my WI competition later next month).  I understand she is undergoing surgery as I write, my Hero is on his way back from the hospital and we hope all will be well.  It does, however, look as though her days of jumping on and off buses might have come to an end.  Stacking all of that wood we had delivered has proved to be therapeutic for my Hero, who has, needless to say, had the well being of his Mum on his mind.

So it's a quiet kind of ta-dah today, but hopefully there'll be cause for a rather more enthusiastic one later.