


The first Sunday of Advent and time to light the first candle.  On such a wet and dreary day, it was good to have a little extra light.


After a relaxed family lunch, we'd lit candles as the dusk fell and when everyone had gone home, I took a few more photographs of the reflections in the windows, thinking that at some point, I might need a few photos for my Christmas journal.


I'd lit some candles outside earlier in the day and went to blow them out, noticing as I did how mild the weather has turned after that cold snap earlier in the week.  


The lack of street lights around here makes it extraordinarily dark, usually, but looking over the village last evening, I noticed the first few Christmas lights have appeared.


The most noticeable light of all was, of course, the supermoon which was there amongst the clouds last evening but which illuminated the sky for most of the night. 

Dark day.  Bright night.


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Real Life

