Moving along

Moving along

All good things come to an end and as my Mum would say, we have to leave one good thing in order for the next good thing to begin.


Our last day on board Explorer got off to an excellent start with Sunday Brunch in the restaurant.  The choice was overwhelming, the service was legendary.  Sweet Darle, from Myanmar was there to help us choose and we were glad of an opportunity to say thank you and hope to see you soon!  One thing we really love about Regent is the way young staff are engaged, trained and enabled to progress and it’s so good to meet them time and again and watch their career develop.


It’s good to meet chefs face to face and be able to thank them for their fantastic work.  Even better to see how proud they are when an event like this involves them at the front.


Happy though we were to linger as long as we could over Mimosas and crepes, there was the essential business of packing to consider.


I had the door open as we worked and turned around just in time to see the Harmony of the Seas pass us by.  One of the largest cruise ships in the world, she carries almost 6000 passengers and more than two and a half thousand staff.  Wow.  But you know, I’ll bet everyone on board is having just as great a time as we are enjoying!


All packed and our suitcases locked and put out, we are left with the sweet message that reminds us it’s our last evening.


We have one more dinner with our friends, the Clueless Trivia Team: Sue and Don, Vince and Joyce, my Hero and myself.  We engineer a table for six in our favourite spot and share an evening of fun stories and much laughter.  The wine flows freely, the food is great and the company even better.  Each of the three couples begins the next stage of their adventure tomorrow – all six of us will stay in Florida a little longer before returning to our homes.  But for one last night, it’s great to celebrate our good fortune, our success (one win and several second places) and wish Vince good luck in spending his on board credit before the Boutique closes shortly.

Tomorrow, Part 3 of our adventure begins.  The fun just keeps on coming!

Adventure Part 3

Adventure Part 3

On a warm, sunny afternoon

On a warm, sunny afternoon