In which the parish magazine leads me astray




The day after I wrote about our St Nikolaus tradition, I sat down for five minutes with a cup of coffee and the parish magazine and came across a reference to this painting by Jan Steen in there. It’s one of several works of his on the same theme and I decided I wanted to find out more.

So I did what we all do now and googled.

I found several references to the work, including this one, which informs me he was born in Leiden.  What a good job I didn’t know that before our game of Trivial Pursuit the other night, for one of my  questions was “Which artist was born in Leiden?”.  I delighted my family and surprised my friends* by answering correctly, “Rembrandt”.  But had I read about Jan Steen before now, I might have answered differently – a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


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Anyway, I thought I’d go to what looked like a reliable source of information, the Rijksmuseum website and oh my goodness.  What an invitation to fun lies there! 


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Who knew the parish magazine could be so distracting?  Needless to say, it’s a huge temptation to explore that site but as the washing machine needs emptying, the ironing basket overflows and the Christmas cards sit looking at me, awaiting some attention I really mustn’t allow myself to look now.  But when I get a few minutes to myself, I’ll open this link again and see what lies in store.

And now I’ll go back to what I should be doing…after I’ve blogged, of course Winking smile  Well, if I don’t, I’ll forget all about it, won’t I?

*one of my favourite quotes from a much loved source

Christmas Cards

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