Happy Days

Happy Days

Not really full of sunshine right now, since the weather has turned rather more seasonal, sadly.  But we have much to appreciate right now and haven’t really needed high temperatures to enjoy them.


Last weekend, on the way back from Hull, I bought the most spectacular bunch of tulips and they continue to brighten the garden room and bring a delicious scent too.  The flowers are huge, the stems very long and sturdy and I think they are easily the most marvellous tulips I’ve had for ages.  (Marks and Spencer Autograph, if you’re interested)


Thankfully, the builders are now finished (well, almost!) the roof is back where it should be and the house is looking (and feeling) like home again.  It’s good to be here!


Not only that, but the doorbell rang on Monday afternoon and who should be standing there but a young man with a bucket in one hand and a ladder in the other.  After months of searching for a replacement window cleaner, our neighbour came to introduce our new best friend – and my goodness, hasn’t he done a grand job!


Last evening, I did a fun craft workshop for a local WI.  It’s always good to be amongst friends and last night was no exception – the “bag bling” they made looked pretty, too.  The details of my project are actually on the NFWI website, if you fancy blinging up your own bag, by the way!


This morning, I went shopping.  Nothing unusual about that, except for doing the shopping like my Mum used to do – not in a supermarket.  I’ve written here before how much I enjoy pottering about the local shops and if I had the time, I would always choose to shop like this.  A little chat about the weather in the butchers, a jolly queue in the warmth of the bakers, a bit of banter with the girls in the greengrocers and a bit of reminiscence with Octavia in her bookshop.  I returned to the car with armfuls of shopping once or twice, but came home with everything on the list – presents for a new baby (Peepo and The Baby’s Catalogue, by the Ahlbergs), a birthday gift (can’t tell you that one because it’s a secret!) and chocolate for Easter.


Best of all, about an hour after I arrived home, so did my Hero, bringing Edward with him.  We’re gathered in and ready for a family weekend at home, looking forward to spending a couple of days relaxing together and catching up on things.


Wishing a peaceful Easter weekend to all,  Chag Pesach Sameach and happy times with your friends and family, too!

Who knew?

Over the river