An Elegant Sufficiency

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At home in Hobart

Though we’ve travelled around Australia, we’ve not made it to Tasmania on previous trips.  So, this time, it was top of the list and of course, now we wonder how we could have left it for so long, for it is a beautiful part of this vast country.

We were lucky to have Sandie to show us her favourite places too.  Not only is she a native of the island, but she’s a professional tour guide as well – who better to spend the weekend with?  Quite how we packed so much into just three short days is a mystery – but then, we did begin the minute our feet touched Tasmanian soil (new state to count - kerching!)

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So, on the way home from the airport, via Richmond, Sandie stopped here, at one of the oldest towns in Tasmania and this lovely old bridge

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the oldest bridge in Australia, no less.  From there, it was non-stop fun, gathering pace at Pooleys vineyard, where we needed to do a little tasting to decide which bottles to take back for supper

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Saturday morning in Hobart means one thing – the Salamanca Markets, and we were delighted to explore the whole shebang.  Great fun, especially watching a bit of filming going on around part of the Masterchef competition, taking place there in the market this morning.

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On the way back through the park, there was a chance to find Sandie’s rellies on the memorial to the First Fleet settlers.  There they are – William Hambley and his children.

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The next couple of days whizzed by in a haze of vineyards and misty hills.

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We visited fruit farms with reconstructions of the wooden huts used by the farm labourers in the 1930s.  Hard work in very basic accommodation but in the most idyllic landscape.

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In another valley, there were hop bines and oast houses.  Lovely still ponds with ducks and platypuses – not that they put in an appearance for us, sadly.

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We walked through native bush to the waterfalls and hoped to see platypuses here in the stream, but again we were unlucky.

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We did, however, see something

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How exciting is that?!

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Sadly, we didn’t see a devil.  They were in evidence here and there, though!

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Of course, we had to sample the other local produce, didn’t we?  Our other dear friend John came over from Melbourne to join us and finding ourselves in a bakery, well, who could resist?

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Mmmmm…custard slices!

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But what will I remember from those three short says in Tassie?  Well, the agapanthus, which grow everywhere and though they’re just past their best, those gorgeous blue flowers are amongst my favourites.

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The landscapes are some of the most beautiful we’ve seen in Australia, lovely rolling hills with small clusters of buildings and a wide open sky.

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Lovely gardens like Sandie’s with roses and cottage garden style planting as well as this rather special place with an Italianate garden to the side.

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Small towns with beautiful old convict-built stone buildings – this is Ross.  Everywhere we went, a warm welcome and a delightfully friendly conversation to be had.

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Especially in small bakeries, where the ladies serving us joined in our banter and fun.  Small-town friendliness which extended to everyone, not only Sandie’s friends!

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A real sense of place then, somewhere special and proud to be so.

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You’ve guessed right – we rather loved the place!!