A fun party!


Much as it’s fun to simply “be” in Stockholm, we came to join in the celebrations for a special birthday to be held at the Jewish Museum here.  Rather than offer a minute by minute report, just picture the scene…




A room full of elegant friends and family, here to celebrate a special birthday in style.

A delicious Kosher meal with all the traditional specialities

Sitting in the fascinating and atmospheric museum alongside our host, listening to friends and family offer warm recollections of his life, mostly spoken in English because of our presence.

Listening to lively Klezmer music with a generous (and continually refilled!) glass of Israeli red wine in hand

Frequent toasts of “L'chei-im, le'chayim!”

Interesting conversation with charming guests who made us feel warmly welcomed

A fond slideshow of our friend’s life, presented by his three daughters which brought tears to several eyes

and to finish…

A fantastic tap dance by the birthday boy himself – complete with encore!!


Such a memorable occasion and how honoured we felt to have been included in the celebrations.  We were truly amongst friends.

Are we nearly home?

OK, ready to go again?