The mojo returns




I’ve got my knitting mojo back.  Sorry to say, as well, Marion, that it was those dishcloths that did it!  Nothing like a bit of fairly mindless knitting to and fro to make me hanker after something a little more interesting.

Not to mention, more attractive.  (Though, like Nadine and Jordi, I do like those brightly coloured Mason-Dixon warshcloths)




Anyway, the creative urge led me to new (to me) knitting pastures, to mathematical challenges and unusual structures.  To Cat Bordhi’s sock book, to be precise.  My Hero is always pleased of a new pair of socks and  Jordi  assures me that the shapes and unusual structures are remarkably comfortable.




I thought the Tibetan Socks would be a good starting point.  I’ve knit the learning socks a while back, so didn’t think I needed to do that over again, but I did measure my hero’s feet and calculate the “magic numbers”.




After that, it was a cinch.  Though I’m not a fan of toe-up socks from previous patterns, I stuck with it the other night whilst sitting with our two small friends and bingo, the toe was done.




Not only that, but




Ta Da!!




Two toes done.  Yes, I thought that, since this was a complicated pattern which needed a bit more working out than a plain old sock does, I’d knit two at the same time (notice I didn’t say “knit two together”…for what good would that be?!)


Of course, I haven’t got to the complex bit yet and am simply working my way up until E – in my hero’s case, that’s 3.5 inches. I’ve got the letter stitch markers all prepared and will follow the instructions to the letter. It’s going well and I’m not bored.  Yet.


A shame he won’t wear prettier colours on his feet, though.  It’d be way more fun to knit fuchsia pink.

The Deal

Felt tip pens and The Radio Times