When on holiday, "normal" people go to the tourist hot-spots, to the museums and the galleries, perhaps.
Where do the Thomases go but to Lee Valley Tools? Someone, on some blog or other had recommended these Watchmaker cases and I felt I needed to see them in person. I've heard people from outside the UK wax lyrical about Lakeland Plastics before and thought that it was a little sad...but here we were, in our element amidst the tools and hardware. But the Holy Grail was there. One will come home with me, and more will be ordered...
Later on this morning, whilst I browsed in The Paper Place Mark found a seat and settled down to wait patiently for me as I looked around this fantastic store. The delightul ?owner? came over and asked if I was the wife of "the guy over there reading the Lee Valley Tools catalogue" and when I admitted that, yes, I was, she also went into raptures over the place!
Good to know we are not the only people to find pleasure in odd places!
BTW, The Paper Place is a terrific source of bookbinding stuff, things Japanese and - surprise surprise - paper!!